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In times of uncertainty and cost pressures, organizations often cut training and learning programs or go after low-cost providers not realizing the short and long-term impact of that decision.
Based on decades of global project management experience, and 13 years in Learning and Development in the UAE and the region, we wanted to share with you a short video – audio presentation.
Please consider investing 10 minutes in listening to this message where we share with you the six major factors that we think you should consider before selecting a project management training provider / Learning Partner.
Six factors to consider when selecting a project management learning partner
For more reading; select our guide on the SUKAD Project Management Knowledge Portal.
Now let us convert this presentation into a practical scoring and evaluation system.
Training Provider Selection Criteria
Of course, organizations can add factors or delete factors; also, they can alter the scoring system. It is your choice!
اخيرا، نقدم لكم تسجيل صوتي بالعربي عن هذا الموضوع
 عوامل يجب أخذها بعين الاعتبار عند اختيار شريك للتدريب
What do you think? We want to hear your opinion!

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