In this post, it is a mix between sharing knowledge and advertising our services.
The question is: should organizations revisit how to learn project management? How can they develop competent staff?
The reason we pose this question is that project management is a bit different from the other types of training such as interpersonal skills and others.
Training and learning various topics – is always good but the key is the word learning. Learning indicates a degree of competence. For example,
When I say I know how to make a cake, it COULD mean that I have the knowledge, I have a recipe or something like this. Unless I make the cake, how will you know that I able to do so? Would you hire me, without proving to you that I am capable?
On the other hand, when I say I learned to make a cake, this usually means I now have the knowledge and can apply it. In other words, learning has a competence component and competence is acquired via practice.
Now, if I want to be a cook, I can practice at home.
Similar concepts apply to other types of learning. However, the challenge is project management. Yes, I can take a course, memorize a book and the answers to 1000 question, and I can even practice at home on my kids or pets. The challenge with project management is practice.
For example, I can take a course and become certified – but if what I studied is different than the organizational practice, how can I apply the knowledge that I acquired? Would the organization allow me to practice new ideas? Maybe not and maybe yes.
The key message that we want to make here is that to LEARN project management, a key factor is aligning the learning (or training) program to the organizational system. Then, the learning program has to incorporate knowledge (through training) and practice (on the job).
How? By having a professional development program that integrates knowledge with applied learning.
Such a program include classroom training – linked to the organizational system; if one exists. However, it should also include on-the-job practice with mentoring and coaching.
The Commercial
This why SUKAD offers more than one option related to this concept. We can start with:
- Advising Executives through our Advisory Services. These executives could be the ones responsible for project management, talent management, or learning and development.
- Master Certificates Program – for extensive in-depth learning where we blend the learning with project works.
- Simplified ALP – Applied Learning Program that would be tailored to the organizational interest, needs, and requirements. ALP integrates classroom training with applying the concept on real projects, which we support through mentoring and coaching.
- ALP Option plus limited consultancy support.
If interested, let us know and would be happy to schedule a meeting to explore needs and requirements and how SUKAD can be of service.