by Mounir Ajam | Feb 14, 2015 | Project Management Certification
I was triggered to post this article from an exchange on Facebook. There are too many online groups promoting project management, project management certification, or both. Unfortunately, most encourage PMP certification as a savior of the global economy, managing...
by Mounir Ajam | Nov 16, 2014 | Project Management Certification, Project Management Training
In the past we have written a few posts about the quality of project management training and even the quality of some providers that have been approved by PMI as Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.). Exhibit 1 Here are examples from an email I received today: Notice...
by Mounir Ajam | Sep 22, 2014 | Applied Project Management (4PM), Project Management Certification, Project Management Training
Recently we have published an article on Myth and thoughts about project management. Today, after a couple of independent exchanges on Facebook, we are writing this post with an emphasis on myths about PMI (The Project Management Institute) and PM training. Some of...
by Mounir Ajam | Jun 15, 2014 | Project Management Certification
I have recently been looking at some data on PMI membership and certifications in the region (West Asia). These statistics are quite interesting and raise so many questions. I will just show some numbers and without comments. The data below is recent – a couple of...
by Mounir Ajam | Apr 16, 2014 | Project Management Certification
To PMP or not to PMP that is the question! I need to decide and I am looking for your help. “You do not know me?” That is OK … you can still help … I have SOME books – I do not know what they are, and I read some of them, maybe 30%...
by Mounir Ajam | Apr 14, 2014 | Project Management Certification
Through this blog post we share a presentation on project management certifications, what are they, who issue them, what values do they offer the individuals or hiring managers, and what are their limitations. [slideshare...